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Perfectly Matched: Opposites Attract (Match Made In Heaven Book 1) Read online

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  “Your boy just ruined the paint on my new car!” he yelled, his hands waving wildly towards the sleek black car that was covered in mud and rocks.

  “It’s just a car, this is my child we are talking about,” she told him angrily. “A child’s sensitive feelings are worth more than just a car.”

  “Just a car?” he repeated, dumbfounded, slapping his forehead and dragging his hand down his face in a slow, deliberate manner like he was searching for patience.

  “YES! Just. A. Car.” she enunciated forcefully, staring him down. Nikki slid herself between where Travis sat and the car, hoping he wouldn’t dart forward to show his new art project again to the tall man looming over her. “I will wash it for you, but don’t you dare yell at my son again.”

  “Lady, are you going to buff it and take any marks out of the paint magically too?”

  “No, I’m sure it’s fine.” Nikki hesitated for a moment and looked at the car again. Maybe it wasn’t fine underneath. She could see in the murky swirls several bits of gravel and could only imagine that they’d been rubbed about on the paint several times. She hoped that it wouldn’t need to be repainted in order to correct it.

  “I’m sure it’s not,” he quipped angrily, crossing his arms over his chest.

  “Then send me a bill but don’t you dare yell at my child again – or me for that matter! He’s a child and they make mistakes,” she finished lamely, knowing how badly it sounded to her own ears. Honestly, Travis was doing what children do: they play when they are bored or unattended. Hence the problem at hand. And where exactly was Mrs. Weatherby? She wasn’t even monitoring her own table anymore!

  “And as a parent, you should be supervising your child so that they don’t destroy private property ever again,” Nikki flinched as the truth of his words hit her square in the face. He was right as much as it galled her to admit it. She’d left her son in someone’s care but ultimately it was her responsibility.

  “If you are done correcting me on my lack of parental skills, I have already told you that I would make amends,” Nikki snarled defensively, picking up Travis from the grass he was sitting in, mud and all. He wrapped his arms around her, smearing mud on the shoulder of her coat. That was why she didn’t buy brand new: nothing was worth missing out on those sweet hugs. Travis lay his head just under her chin silently as if he knew he was in trouble.

  The tall man stood there flabbergasted at the display of motherly love. A short woman walked up behind him, her expression livid at the man. Nikki almost warned him and then decided not to. Let him take his lumps, just as she was taking hers.

  * * *

  “Jakob! Don’t you dare raise your voice to them like that,” Jakob heard his own mother scold from behind where he stood. “It’s just a bit of dirt and I didn’t raise you to be such a troll. I knew you were cold, but this is a bit much. You take me home right now,” his mother muttered angrily, her eyes full of disapproval causing her forehead to crease.

  He knew that look.

  It was usually followed by him selecting a switch off the tree when he was a boy. Most times it was then followed with a long conversation from his father about how his mother was always right. He was in deep trouble with his mother all because of the neglect of another mother.

  “I’ve quite lost my holiday spirit seeing this behavior from you, son.”

  “Yes ma’am,” Jakob said quietly, trying to diffuse the hot-tempered woman that had raised him. He walked directly past where the young lady stood holding her filthy son. He was furious with the situation and how he was being found to be the person at fault. Unbelievable. He stepped around the woman that stood there, legs akimbo angrily holding her child away from him, as if he’d have anything more to do with the situation at hand. He was quite well and done with the entire afternoon.

  * * *

  “I will wash the car and take care of the dry-cleaning bill,” Nikki reiterated as the tall man glared at her, prompting her silently to step aside in order to get in his vehicle. It was just a horrible situation and frankly she was mortified. She understood how upset he must be at the filth scratched and rubbed all over the door panel. I

  t was a truly sleek and gorgeous vehicle- and looked to be quite expensive. If she had to pay for it herself, she would have been upset too. But verbally attacking, well, not attacking but yelling at her was still unacceptable. It wasn’t just the tone he’d used, it was the fact that he was correct. She should have been watching her son and not have left him with Mrs. Weatherby. Thank goodness he was safe and unharmed.

  “That won’t be necessary,” the man told her quietly in a tight voice as he opened the car door.

  “I insist,” she reiterated firmly, causing him to take a second look at her. Nikki swallowed hard as her eyes met his for the first time. He’d been staring at the car or glaring at her son, but now he was focused directly on her. Bright hazel eyes, a mix of golds, greens and coppery hues were brilliantly mixed and surrounded by dark lashes. As beautiful as his eyes were, they were blank with an almost frigid glare to them. No warmth, no recognition, no welcoming invitation or caring to them whatsoever. If she was staring at a sculpture it would have given the same effect.

  For Nikki though, it was as if someone had sucker punched her in the stomach. Her breath caught, her pulse raced, immediately picturing him leaning towards her to kiss him. He had the most decadent eyes that just screamed wicked thoughts in her mind until he spoke.

  “Again, that will not be necessary. I just suggest you keep a closer eye on your son,” he told her coldly, his words washing over her, painfully dousing any flare of desire she might have felt for the moment.

  “Of course.”

  At his brisk nod, he disappeared into the vehicle and slammed the door shut. Nikki almost felt sorry for the guy, because the moment it was closed she could hear the woman’s tirade begin in earnest. She saw his jaw tighten and flex as he stared straight ahead before pulling out of the parking spot. It was almost comical the fact that he was berating one mom while getting a verbal tongue lashing from his own mother.

  Nikki couldn’t resist the smile that it brought to her face, nor the flare of anger. She hoped that his mother gave him what-for the entire ride home, and like a mean-spirited person, she raised her hand and waved as the car left the town square. It hit a pothole hard enough to make a thump that made her flinch in response, telling her that he’d looked out the rearview mirror and had seen her. She let her hand drop to her side and released the breath she’d been holding, the fury drained from her. It was time to go address the real problem carefully and pray she didn’t destroy her chance at earning a few extra bucks for Travis’s gifts.


  Nikki slung Travis on her hip and returned back to the line in order to pay for her Christmas tree. The sea of people that had gathered to watch the fiasco parted and allowed her to go ahead of them. She was glad of it, because her hands were quite full, and she was more than fed up with the afternoon. All she wanted now was to get the little tree back home as quickly as possible. She wasn’t even feeling Christmassy anymore. She was irritated. She thought about how angrily she’d shove the tree in the stand and maybe she’d shake it until pine needles rained down, but that would do nothing but create another mess. She’d had enough of messes for the day.

  “Want us to bundle this up for you with rope, Ms. Eben?”

  “Yes please. If you’ll just prop it right here, I’m going to grab my stroller and be right back.”

  “You mean your car, right?”

  “Look, I’ll be right back,” she snapped and immediately apologized. It wasn’t the teenager’s fault that she was broke and the only thing she could think about was that arrogant man’s beautiful eyes. “That was uncalled for. I’ve got my hands full, but I can manage a few blocks.”

  “Are you sure?”


  She grabbed the stroller and had them tie the small four-foot tree to the body of it. It was a long walk back home, sto
pping several times to re-adjust where Travis was propped on her hip. Finally, she sighed and let him down, clutching his hand for dear life while she tried to finagle the stroller homewards. As she got closer to the house, she frowned at the box on the stoop of the house. She opened the front door, somehow managing to hold Travis’ hand and drag the tree up the wooden steps and not trip over the box.

  There was scratching coming from the box and the faintest mewing sounds. Gasping, she and Travis looked at each other with comprehension as they realized there was a kitten in the box.


  “Yes, now go inside and mama will get the kitty cat,” she ordered, forgetting to ask him for anything. It surprised her when he took off inside and began shucking his coat immediately, chanting “kee-kat! kee-kat!”. Nikki rolled her eyes and grinned. She managed to get the tree inside and leaned it in the corner. It wasn’t very big at all, simply bulky and awkward to move around. Gingerly, she picked up the cardboard box and peeked inside, smiling.

  Inside was a tiny brownish-grey kitten with golden eyes and a bent tail. Her heart melted at the sight and she knew this was a sign. Things were going to be alright. Things might be tough, but she’d stuck to her guns, defending herself and her son. This kitten would be among a slew of other animals she had adopted or taken in over the last few years.

  “You are just a little fella, aren’t you?”

  “Mama! Lemme see my kee-kat!” Travis shouted repeatedly, jumping at her legs as she pulled the squiggling little creature from the box. He was simply precious! Faint mews and loud rumbles of purrs made his whole body shake as she knelt down to allow Travis to pet the kitten.

  “Do you remember how to pet him? Softly? Gently? Like this,” she coached and took his small hand in hers. “Pet. Pet. Pet, exactly. Nicely we pet the baby kitty cat.” Travis’s chubby hand pet the kitten and giggled at the purring he was making.

  “What shall we name him?”

  “Mud,” he affirmed with a cherubic smile. “Mud the kee-kat.”

  “Mud, it is,” she told him with a warm smile and kissed her son’s forehead. “Now, for my other muddy buddy? You need a bath and dinner before bed.” She laughed as he began to whine and belly ache about his nightly ritual. Nikki stepped into the kitchen and prepared a microwave pizza for herself and Travis. She quickly cut it up into small tiny bites for him and prepared a tiny bottle for Mud. She freed the animals from the garage and let them out back to the fenced yard to do their business while she refilled the food bowls. It was nice to have a furry family racing around, even if it made Mud nervous.

  The kitten looked like it was barely three or four weeks old. He was extremely tiny and struggled to hold his head up at times. It was a shame someone had abandoned him, but she was also glad that they thought to put him on her porch. Everyone who knew her knew that she had a soft spot for abandoned things. She held Mud for quite a while in the pocket of her t-shirt in order to keep him warm. As he nestled against her, his head stuck up and she awkwardly held the bottle aloft while she struggled to eat her own dinner while it was warm.

  Glancing at the small Christmas tree propped in the corner, she sighed. It would simply have to wait. She still needed to make popcorn and string it. Now between washing their muddy clothing, bathing Travis and attending to the little one in her pocket – it would fill her evening before she turned in for the night.

  * * *


  Nikki heard Travis’ worried voice uncomprehendingly. She’d been having the best dream about laying on a beach on a tropical island. The sun, the sand and warm salty water washed over her. Was it possible to be sunburnt in a dream? She rubbed her eyes and realized it was dark in her bedroom. Dark and hot. She threw back the covers and heard a meow next to her. Mud was sleeping on her pillow.

  “Travis, what’s wrong sweetie?”

  “Mama, my belly hurts.” There was a tone she recognized and knew that it was simply going to be one of those night. He was coming down with something, coming to her for his mama to fix it and make it all better.

  Pushing back her hair, she felt the sheen of sweat on her forehead. Man, was she ever hot right now! Taking a deep breath, she gasped as a horrific, pungent scent hit her. Oh, mercy and sakes alive! What was that smell? She leaned over and yanked the chain on her nightstand, flinching at the bright light and what it revealed. Travis was sick alright, and she could see everywhere he’d been. A mess had been tracked from the hallway bathroom to her room and beside her bed.

  “Mama, my belly hurts nooooowwww,” he groaned, and she heard a massive gurgle from his stomach where he stood beside her, throwing her into action. She picked him up bodily and ran him across the hallway into the bathroom, sliding barefoot in something she refused to identify and plopped him on the potty. He was whimpering now and pulling at her in distress.

  “Okay buddy, let’s get you cooled off and cleaned up,” she crooned as she held him with one arm and stretched across the bathroom to put a towel under the faucet. Her foot sliding again, directly into the bathroom cabinet and giving a massive crunch. Nikki swore she would not pass out and nearly bit her tongue in half to keep from screaming when her toe broke. Hot tears rolled down her cheeks as she breathed quick puffs of air into her lungs to keep from cursing aloud at the audience of animals that were sitting there at the bathroom door watching her contortionist performance. Three cats, two dogs, and one parakeet perched on the towel bar.

  Travis let out another awful moan as his belly emptied. Poor baby! she thought wildly and began to wipe his face down with a cool rag. He was warm but not abnormally hot. She was the one who was sweating buckets. What was going on? She hobbled as she ran to grab the cell phone off the charger and noticed the paw prints that had tracked a mess throughout the whole house. She quickly put the animals into the garage where their food and water were stored and headed back to Travis.

  “Let’s get you some help buddy,” she crooned gently, hugging him. She dialed the only person she knew how to get a hold of that had a car, Mrs. Weatherby. The clinic she normally took him to was closed at this hour and he was in need of something to stop the rampant diarrhea. She couldn’t imagine her sweet boy getting dehydrated or weak.

  “Mrs. Weatherby? I’m so sorry to call at this time but it’s an emergency. Can you drive Travis and I to the hospital? He’s very ill and I’m afraid I might be coming down with it too,” she rushed out as soon as the phone was answered. Nikki didn’t even wait for her to say hello, because her head was spinning, and the room was getting hotter. She heard her agree and the phone sounded extremely faint. She put the wet rag up to her own face trying to cool off and keep from fainting.

  Between the heat and the pain in her foot, she felt like she was fading fast. Travis was moaning and breathing deeply, whining as another bout hit him. Nikki limped to her bedroom and scooped up the kitten, putting him in her nightshirt pocket. She pulled a coverlet off of her bed. She cleaned up Travis as much as possible and wrapped him in the blanket. She left a message at the animal hospital and was waiting by the front door when the headlights appeared in her driveway. Nikki remembered sitting down in the back seat of the car, holding Travis in her lap before the darkness consumed her and she fainted.


  “Miss Eben? Nikola?”

  Nikki heard a warm voice wash over her and it reminded her of her beach dreams. Maybe if she focused on falling deeper into her sleep, she could see the man that had the wonderful voice. Gorgeous man, coconut drink, sand and surf? Perfection - except she wasn’t so hot anymore and she didn’t feel quite so miserable. Had she dreamt it all because she felt almost wide awake. Cracking open an eye, she groaned and pinched them shut it quickly. Nope, still dreaming but it was a horrible nightmare now.

  “It’s Nikki and where is Travis? Where’s my son?” she asked in a restrained voice. Karma, if you are listening – this isn’t funny anymore. That seductive voice could not belong to him and she certainly didn’t want it in her d

  “Shhh. He’s asleep in the next gurney just over there. Do you know where you are?”

  “Hell?” she smarted off. “Now, what is wrong with my son?” She heard him chuckle and it just made her angry. The arrogant tall man that owned the black car Travis had smeared mud all over was dressed in scrubs and a white coat holding a file folder. Of course, he’s a doctor, she thought wretchedly, why wouldn’t he be? It all fit, with those fancy clothes he was wearing earlier and that shiny new Mercedes.

  “We’ve got him on an IV and fluids, so he doesn’t get dehydrated. He’s got a bit of a tummy ache from what he ate, but I can’t find much else wrong with him. You, however, have a virus and spiked a fever of 104.3 degrees when you arrived here unconscious. You are on some pretty strong stuff to keep your fever down.”

  “I never faint.”

  “I do my best never to lie either, but faint? You did.” The doctor leaned over, shined a light in both of her eyes and nodded, jotting down something in the folder in his hands. When he wasn’t screaming at her, he was really handsome -it galled her to think that.

  “What about my toe? Is it broken?”

  “Very much so, but we can’t really set those in a cast. It’s bound to the other toes and will hurt quite a bit for a while,” he perched momentarily on the side of the bed and Nikki scooted away immediately. She watched as the handsome doctor, cleared his throat and quickly stood up. He looked almost sheepish, making her raise an eyebrow at him in question.

  “When can we go home?”

  “I need to keep you here for twenty-four hours or so to make sure your fever stays down. You were wildly out of your mind when you arrived. Did you know you had a kitten in your pocket?”