Lawfully Yours Page 2
They walked to the small grove of trees at the end of town, fetching their horses where they’d been tethered just out of sight. Elias watched over his shoulder behind them as Emily stared ahead for any sign of trouble. They returned to their campsite silently, both lost in thought. She was nervous, anxious, and ready for this to be done today. She was ready to be rid of the town of Cleburne.
Emily sat quietly at their campsite. She only idly listened to Elias’ instructions regarding their prey tonight. The man had headed up a recent horse auction that he had held in town not days beforehand. He was quite proud of how it went and the money it brought in. Apparently, he had cleared twice the amount from the last year. The man was quite arrogant, boasted a lot and liked to be praised. He was feared and respected by the people in the bar, tossing a lot of money on the table. He’d even boasted about his dinner plans and how he planned on finding himself a bit of “sweet” for dessert.
That sounded awful being referred to as a sweet dessert, but this was an act. She was playing the part, a charade. She swallowed hard. Wine him, dine him, smile at him and lure him out into the alleyway where Eli would be waiting with their horses. Elias would hold him up, pretend to kidnap her and they would steal away with the funds. It was a sound plan and had worked repeatedly over the last several months. Tonight, would be no different.
Carefully, she brushed her hair and pinned it up blindly into a curled mass at the top of her head. Washing up, she made sure that she smelled sweet and looked the part. Her gown she’d worn earlier had been folded neatly away and a fresh taffeta gown had been unpacked. The shiny, pale blue taffeta practically glowed against the dark grosgrain ribbon trim. It was stunning to behold and complemented her skin beautifully. Pinching her cheeks, she looked at her brother for approval. He frowned and shook his head.
“Pinch your cheeks again, Em. Make them really red for this guy tonight. He was staring at the fallen doves that wore a lot of makeup.”
“I’m not one of those women!”
“No, but you want him to look at you and talk to you, right? Maybe you should use the rouge if you can’t get them a bit darker. We don’t want your face bruised.”
“Fine,” she bit out, pinching her cheeks hard to create a natural blush. At his scrutiny, she bit her lips hard as well to make them ruddy to match. Elias gave her a thumbs-up, causing her to roll her eyes. “I feel like a lamb being led to the slaughter each time we do this,” she admitted softly. “I hate this.”
“I know you do.” Elias looked away with an almost guilty expression. “It’s not much better for me, you know? I watch you from a distance and wonder how those men treat you. If they are too forward or if you can take care of yourself. What happens if something goes wrong? I don’t know how I would handle that. I know you dread it and, honestly, I do, too.”
“Soon?” she conceded. “Let’s be finished with this sooner rather than later.”
“We’ll try,” he confirmed. They both wanted to be done once there was enough money. The problem was, would there ever be enough? As if he could read her mind, he smiled at her. “Is California still where you want to make our new home? Or maybe Oregon?”
“Nevada is supposed to be beautiful, too. Or perhaps maybe something a bit more exotic. What if we left the country altogether and travelled the world?” she asked suddenly, clasping her hands together. She could picture a quiet beach with great big, green plants all around her. Cool, clear waters that washed away all the doubts and fears she had bottled up inside of her.
“Then we’d be doing all of this quite a bit more, in order to pay for it all.”
“Never mind then. I wonder what Wyoming is like?” she said with a forlorn sigh. The idea of being alone, hidden away on a beach certainly had its merits but if it involved more of this fiasco then she would easily forgo it.
“I’m not sure. But if it’s like this, it would be nice.”
“I really like the bluebonnets and flowers we saw here in the spring. It’s a shame we can’t stay. It’s much different from home.” Back home had been humid, mosquito-riddled and impoverished. Here, the land looked almost fertile in the springtime, the pretty clouds of flowers on the ground beckoned you to lie down and stare at the clouds overhead.
“I know it is. But if we stay, you’ll be recognized. You’re too pretty for your own good.”
“And you are full of malarkey, Elias.”
“Love you,” he said, sticking out his tongue like they were young kids.
“Love you, too,” she agreed, putting her fingers in her ears and waving her hands at him. This made him laugh and shake his dark head. She loved him but she was just afraid that their path would end up causing harm to one or both of them. That fear had been real today with the bounty hunter sighting.
They waited until almost sundown. The sun gave off brilliant colors of red and coral streaks across the sky making Emily catch her breath. It was stunning to behold and made her long for a time when they would not be looking over their shoulders all the time. She could picture in her mind’s eye having a home of her own and nearby, Elias having a house full of children and a wife. Both smiling, both happy. She wanted that so badly she could taste it! They rode to the edge of town and she relinquished her reins to Elias as she dismounted from the horse.
“Emily, you’ll be looking for a short man with a loud, booming voice. He’s about fifty or sixty years old and quite nimble, so watch him. He was smart as a whip playing faro today. But if he’s been drinking like he was earlier, he might be quite in his cups by now.” Eli’s voice broke through her fragile dreams.
“Right. Older man, possibly quite handsy. Loud mouth with deep pockets,” She gave a shiver at thinking of an older man actively wooing her for a chance at warming her bed. There’d be no way!
“Exactly. Smile and be charming. Lay it on thick, but be aloof. If he sees you and spots you, go in for the hook.”
“I know. I know,” she said tiredly with a wan smile. On a night where they were doing a job, she usually felt sick for quite some time. Tonight, would be no different. “A shack somewhere in the wilderness is starting to sound appealing.”
“Look, I know you want to stop. I just want to make sure that there’s enough for both of us easily. I don’t want to ever have to struggle again.”
“I know.”
Taking a deep breath, closing her eyes to calm herself, she put on her game face. Tonight, she was a sweet dessert. A lovely piece of woman that this man would want and regret. A woman that every man in the room would want, but focused on…
“What was his name?”
“Oh! Sorry! It’s Edward Masterson. Trust me, you won’t miss him.”
Emily shook out her skirts and then smoothed them carefully to make sure she was exactly the polished woman she wanted to portray. Patting her hair, she snugged up the pins holding the curls in place. Tonight, was an act and she had to look the part. She was glad she was out of sight of the town. While checking her composure and giving herself a mental pep talk, she turned away from her brother. She leaned over and wiggled her bosom upwards to fluff it nicely, then tucked her knife back down in the bodice. “Look away, Eli. It’s shameful how much skin I am showing up top. Mother would be scandalized. Did I pick this dress out or did you? I am falling out of the top of it.”
“That’a’girl, Emily!”
“Shut up,” she countered and pinched her cheeks one more time. “I’d prefer to wear something with a bit more material at the top. Let’s get this over with, shall we?”
“The sooner, the better.”
Emily stood there watching her brother disappear into the darkness behind the building. When she exited the building, she was to make a right and then another right. He would be waiting in the alleyway for her. Taking another deep breath, she glanced down to make sure that she hadn’t spilled out of the top of her dress. The fabric was gorgeous, but the cut of it was not her style in the slightest. Emily preferred something a bi
t more modest. This was for work alone.
Straightening her shoulders, she quickly made her way to the small restaurant in town where Edward Masterson claimed he would be dining. If he wasn’t there, she was instructed to cross the street, whistling the entire way as to alert him. Eli would be hiding nearby in the shadows, watching. Across the way was the bar Eli had been at earlier in the day where he’d learned of this man, this victim. Thankfully, as she walked towards the entrance of the restaurant, the man known as Masterson was there at the back of the room. Now, it was up to her to make an entrance and catch his eye. This was her part to play in their scheming.
Stepping forward, Emily pretended to not have a care in the world. Her eyelids dropped, a soft smile on her face, and she glided towards the polished counter that served as a small bar on the side of the entrance. If it was a big town they were in, she’d have sworn that the town was going bust by how small the building was. But here in this small town, it was opulent. Mirrors along the wall showed just how much cleavage was exposed thanks to the oil lamps that were lit.
“Can I help you, Miss?”
“Oh, thank you but no. I am simply looking around for a little something… delicious,” she said breathlessly, leaning forward. There won’t be enough prayers said to pay for this, she thought. I’m dressed like a hussy! Emily felt her face flush instantly as the man’s eyes dropped immediately to her bosom.
“She’s with me, Smith. The lady is my guest!” she heard her prey’s voice boom out. That had to be Masterson. He was exactly as her brother had described. Check and mate, she thought. Now, hook the fish and reel him in.
“Oh? Is that so?” she drawled, turning with a devastating smile towards the older man. She slowly sauntered over, waving off the bartender’s hand from her arm as he rushed over towards her. Her bold eyes never left the older man and she watched his approving smile grow. I might just be sick, she mused as she quickly swallowed her nausea.
“Do you have something I want?” she breathed softly, taking a seat.
“I think I have something we’ll both want soon enough,” he retorted confidently causing the other men in the room to laugh behind her. “Now, what’s a pretty, little thing like you doing here?” Masterson poured her a large glass of alcohol and handed it to her. He raised his own glass in a toast, encouraging her to take a sip. The strong, heady taste was not of wine, but a thick mixture that instantly made her eyes water. Port? Brandy? Whatever it was, it was potent! Mustn’t cough, look composed! The show must go on. Elias was waiting for her!
“Divine,” she whispered and took another small sip. His wide smile made his moustache curl upwards giving her the impression of a feline cat.
“I couldn’t agree more.” Edward ordered a second steak brought to the table immediately and tossed a few coins onto the table for the waiter. Yes, this man was arrogant and liked to show his power. Eli’s assessment was exactly correct. She was positive that he could probably check off his name next to all seven deadly sins. Greed, lust, envy, pride, and so on. This man would be dangerous if cornered. For her safety, she would need to keep him drinking heavily so if he tried something and actually was as handsy as he had said, she could get free.
Smiling, she raised her glass again and listened as he began to boast of how important he was. As her plate arrived, she was practically drooling in hunger. Mounds of whipped potatoes, carrots slathered in butter and a large cut of steak were practically spilling over the edge of the chipped porcelain plate. The scent of yeast rolls tickled her nose. She’d make sure that her meal filled her stomach before luring him out into the street. It was the least that could happen since she was uncomfortable with the game she was playing.
She refilled Masterson’s glass and was pretending to still be sipping on hers while she ate. As she finished her meal, she saw him frowning suddenly and realized she’d been caught. Taking another large sip, she quietly topped off her own glass and politely offered to fill his again. There would be no faking with him, he was watching her carefully.
“This,” she swirled the alcohol in the glass under her nose to get his mind off the fact that she wasn’t falling down drunk yet as he had seemed to plan, “would be a perfect nightcap, wouldn’t it?” Her eyes met his and she swallowed hard. The man was straight up evil and there was no doubt about it.
“I was thinking the same thing,” he told her in a voice that made goosebumps appear. Emily was definitely out of her element. “Maybe we should finish the bottle?”
“Maybe we should finish the conversation and the bottle elsewhere? Someplace a bit more secluded, perhaps?” she said faintly. Get him outside, alone. Let Elias handle it from there. Those were the instructions.
“I couldn’t agree more. A sweet little thing like you? It might be hard to wait for a taste,” he boomed, making her flush in embarrassment as she heard the catcalls behind her. Gosh, if the floor could open under her chair, she might dive in gratefully just to get away from him.
“I wouldn’t boast too much. Or perhaps, I might be mistaken about the… man… you are,” she announced cloyingly, meeting his eyes over the wine glass. This made him laugh mockingly as he stood suddenly.
“Smith! The lady and I are taking the wine and the glasses. Bill me for it! I’ve something to attend to presently,” he said, adjusting his trousers obnoxiously. Emily immediately felt herself gag. Don’t throw up!
Emily got to her feet and felt the room sway. The alcohol had been strong, but the effect was a bit more than she anticipated. Thank goodness she didn’t drink much at all! Grasping the chair, she slowly moved it forward to push it in while she got her legs in working order to walk. She felt herself staring as Masterson grabbed the wine glasses, handing her one. His outstretched arm would balance her as she walked out of the building. Get to Elias! Get to the alleyway! One step in front of the other, she thought as her head spun wildly.
The cool air as they exited the building helped, but not enough. Emily was disoriented. Weren’t the instructions to go to the right if you were facing the building? Or was it left, on the right side, if you were in the building? Right, right? Right if you were facing left? Left, left would put her in the main street, right? Facing the building, go right? Why was the building behind her now and which way was right? Making a quick decision, she pointed at the side of the building where it was dark.
“I think we should head this way and have a little taste,” she taunted. Get him alone, get him to Elias. Step away and get free.
“I think I’m a lucky man,” he said almost gleefully. “A little something sweet now and a little something later!” He immediately turned, leading her to the dark alleyway. Please be the right right, not the wrong right… which would be left, wouldn’t it? Right? she thought, completely confused, as they entered the shadows between the buildings.
Emily heard a crunching sound as the glasses and bottle were flung to the ground. Her dazed demeanor slowly turned towards the noise, only to be greeted by a pair of roving hands and thin, urgent lips. Yanking herself away bodily, she could not seem to get free. The man’s bony hands were everywhere, and the cloying scent of the alcohol was making her gag violently.
“Elias!” she called out faintly and felt a sharp sting across her cheek. Her hand reached up and immediately cradled her injured face. Had he really had the audacity to strike her?
“You’ll not call out another man’s name while with me! Not after I have paid for your company by feeding you!” Emily locked both arms fully on his chest to keep him away from her.
“Elias! Elias!” she yelped, pushing mightily as she tried to scramble backwards from his clutches. She slipped and fell in a pile of something mushy, instantly bringing up her dinner once she recognized what it was. Her body shook with force as she vomited, thinking this might be enough to free herself from the older, angry man. This was not the case!
He, instead, grasped her ankle, yanking her bodily in her taffeta dress through the pile of horse manure causing her to screa
m in disgust and fright. She didn’t yell for Elias – she yelled for anyone nearby! She didn’t care who!
“Help! Help me!”
The wine must still have been affecting her, because she could have sworn that her body was almost being dragged upwards into the air by her leg where the bony hand of Masterson clutched her ankle. She was trapped in a fabric cage as her skirts flew down around her head. Beating frantically downwards which, in fact, was upwards, she tried to cover her bloomers and free herself from his clutches. Emily felt the horse manure hit her cheek. She screamed and vomited again just seconds before hitting the ground forcefully. Shoving the filthy material away from her face, she struggled to sit up and saw a tall, lean shadow holding another high up in the air, shaking him angrily. Her ears rang and her head spun.
“Eli? Elias?” she said faintly. “Where are you?” A roaring pop sounded out of nowhere and deafened Emily. “No guns!” she tried to yell, and it came out only as a whisper. She saw Eli standing at the end of the alleyway staring at her where she lay on the ground. There was enough light from the restaurant window to illuminate his ravaged face as he saw her condition.
“You!” Emily heard roar from behind her in a voice that was terrifying. “Elias Jessup! You and Emily Jessup are under arrest! Don’t you move!”
“Emily, are you okay?” she heard Elias ask her, his voice cracking under the strain.
“Silence, boy! You are under arrest for the murder of Edward Masterson and wanted for robbery.”
“No! Not murder, no guns!” she breathed faintly staring at Elias’ pale, stricken expression.
“I’m fine, Eli – run!” she gasped out dizzily, pushing down the skirts that pillowed around her. She wanted to get to her feet but couldn’t get a foot underneath her to push up from the ground. “Go! Run!”
“Don’t make me shoot you in front of your sister, Jessup! Girl, you are to be silent!” the voice barked and, deep down, she knew in her heart it was the bounty hunter from earlier in the day. She heard the faint click of the hammer being drawn back and stared up at the barrel, dazed. The face she pictured in her mind from earlier in the day was gone. In its place was a darkness from the shadows.