An Agent for Fallon Read online

Page 2

  A woman cried out a bloodcurdling scream and Fallon dropped the pail she’d just lifted. Her heart hammered wildly in her chest. Her back was towards the mountain and it petrified her to turn around. What if they were pulling a body from the rubble? Swallowing hard, she painfully craned her neck and glanced over her shoulder to see a hand peeking out of the dirt.

  There was a sense of renewed vigor as every person, every hand, flew into action. It took what seemed like forever for the first man to emerge from the opening. It was like watching the hillside give birth, seeing the man struggle to leave the enclosure. As he burst free and slid down, he was surrounded and blocking Fallon’s view. It wasn’t until they walked away from him she saw the next person sliding down the embankment.

  Rourke’s haggard eyes met hers and her emotions she’d held in check came crashing down at once. Everything that had been locked away, raged over her in a tsunami of feelings. Rage, fear, anger, desperation, and love. She saw him slide down the loose gravel along the hillside as she ran forward. He’d gotten to his feet just as Fallon tackled him.

  “My sweet wren,” he whispered brokenly, nearly crushing her to him.

  Fallon couldn’t speak; instead, she threw her arms around his neck collapsing against him like a broken tree trying to cling to the banks in a flood. The words would not come—but the tears certainly did! Kissing his stained face, she tasted the earthy scent of dirt and smelled the coal dust on him. She didn’t care in the slightest either. Being able to hold him, touch him, was a blessing she’d yearned for the last few days. Nothing else could go wrong.

  Rourke was here.

  Chapter Two

  Fallon would kill him.

  Everything was going so good between them. They were leaving town on a train bound for Chicago with Gillian and Cade. Rourke was so sweet, tender, and loving towards her as they sat there together watching the countryside pass through the windows.

  “I’m sorry I haven’t finished our quilt,” Fallon said shyly, marveling at the difference between their hands. She never tired of looking at him and always seemed to find some new thing to admire. He was fascinating.

  “Tis no matter, love.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “We’ve all the time in the world now.”

  “Rourke,” she breathed, her eyes traveling from their hands to his face. His dark eyes were warm and tender. There was a peaceful look to his expression that made her soul sigh in happiness. “You said that when the quilt was finished and we had some money saved, we’d get married.”

  “There’s no rush and we’ve got our whole lives ahead of us.”

  “But I want to get married.”

  “I do too.”

  “We’ve waited so long already. I mean, it feels like it’s been forever since you first smiled or danced with me. I understood waiting on the money, that you wanted to have us a house ready… but what now?”

  “We will still need a place ta stay when we arrive in Chicago.”

  “Rourke, I cannot stay with you. We aren’t married.”

  “We’ll have two rooms and can get a chaperone ta stay with us. Someone will surely need a place ta stay or something. It will be right and proper ta have another person in the house, a chaperone of sorts.”

  “Do you hear yourself? Why are you avoiding marrying me now?”

  “I’m not—I just don’t see the need to hurry into something.”

  “Are you kidding?”

  “I’m sorry,” he replied, “I’m nervous about taking on the job of a Pinkerton agent and not thinking.”

  “I’m nervous too.”


  “Well, I am meeting the director in Denver for the position.”

  “You don’t need ta.”

  “But I am,” she stressed.

  “Fallon, think about it. If I am working in Chicago, there is no need for you to have a job or go to Denver.”

  “But I want this, Rourke.”

  “And I want ta be able ta provide for you but both seem to be a challenge.”

  “That’s not… Rourke… I want this. I told you we could both go to Denver.”

  “Sweet wren, that is not how you go about getting hired for a job,” he said complacently, patting her on the hand. Fallon stared at him in disbelief for several moments. His dark eyes looked at her curiously as if he didn’t understand why she might become upset. Was he dense or teasing her?

  “Are you patronizing me?”

  “No. I’m trying ta explain how this all works.”

  “And I am trying to tell you I want to be an agent too. I want the same adventure, excitement, and suspense that you will have-but I want it with you.”

  “I want it with you too. We can talk about my day over dinner.”

  “Did you just hear yourself? I cannot believe you are saying these things to me when I have always been there for you.”

  “I adore having you by my side and need you there.”

  “But?” Fallon drawled, trying to keep the irritation out of her voice. Oh yes, she wanted to hear this excuse from him, she thought. Sitting primly, she folded her hands on her skirt and stared at him, waiting.

  “But after the cave in, I realized that I need ta keep you safe and make sure you are with me for a long time.”

  “You were the one in danger-not me.”


  “You’re right. So, because you were in danger I have to give up my chance and stay at home to play nursemaid?”

  “You want children right away?” he asked, looking shocked.

  Fallon gaped at him in shock.

  “Of course, I want children. I want to get married, have children, and a grand adventure with you. I want a little boy with your dark curls.”

  “I want all of that too–someday–but until then, it’s my duty ta keep you safe and provide.”

  “It’s not your duty until we say our vows.”

  “Fallon, don’t act like that.”

  “This conversation is over… for now,” she said, getting to her feet quickly and leaving Rourke where he was sitting. She had to get some fresh air before she clobbered the stubborn man atop his head. He’d always been a planner, two steps ahead of everyone else, but now it was time for him to realize what he had right in front of him. Unfortunately, the dolt was still two steps ahead of her.

  “Is everything all right?” Gillian asked tentatively, handing her a handkerchief. Fallon looked up in surprise and touched her cheek. Sure enough, she was crying, and it was no surprise. When she got mad enough, the tears flowed, angering her further.

  “Yes. No,” Fallon blurted and then sighed. “It will be eventually.”

  “I’m sorry but I overheard what you two were talking about,” Gillian began and glanced back over her shoulder quickly. “Men are hardheaded sometimes and don’t realize what they have until it's gone. Now, I’m not saying that you should give up on him–you love him–I’m just saying that maybe he needs to miss you a bit.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Gillian sighed heavily and rolled her eyes upward, taking a deep breath. It seemed like it was forever before the red-headed woman with the fiery temper spoke.

  “Cade can be extremely thick, but he has the best intentions. My husband, Michael, was like that before he passed away. Women can be devious and incredibly smart, getting through to them without them even realizing it.”

  “He doesn’t want to marry me–still! Rourke said that when we had enough money for our own home, we’d get married. Then he said when he had the land bought—and then it was when our marriage quilt was finally finished. There is something always in the way and I’m thinking he doesn’t truly want me.”

  “Oh, he does–but you are making it too easy for him. He needs to fight for the woman he loves, not have you fall at his feet.”

  “What do you have in mind?”

  “Go to Denver,” Gillian shrugged and then looked over her shoulder at where her husband Cade was sitti
ng. Fallon saw he was now frowning and getting to his feet as if he realized that the two of them were up to no good.

  “Your husband is coming,” Fallon whispered quickly.

  “Go to Denver with us. I’ll help you.”

  “Will Cade be mad?”

  “He won’t be happy about it.”

  “No, I know. He and Rourke have become good friends.”

  “Then maybe he can talk some sense into Rourke for you,” Gillian whispered quickly in a hushed tone. “Go and see if being an agent is even something you want to do. You never know.”

  “I’m in,” Fallon breathed fearfully, “this needs to be our secret for now.”

  “Trust me-it is!”

  Gillian whirled around and smiled at her husband, putting her fingers behind her back and crossing them conspiratorially so that only Fallon could see. Yes, she could understand what Gillian was saying. It would give her a chance to see if actually being an agent was worth it.

  Rourke would be upset and rage for hours on end, talking about danger and her safety, but if she left without him knowing-then perhaps she could avoid that discussion all together.

  Fallon didn’t need Rourke to talk her out of taking the position as an agent. No, what she needed was his support and for her to decide on her own. She needed a partner, and he was effectively declining that by delaying their marriage repeatedly.

  Chapter Three



  Fallon walked out of Archibald Gordon’s office and sat down, stunned. Things were not going as planned at all. She’d left a note in Chicago for Rourke, cementing her decision when he’d rented a place for them with two bedrooms. She wasn’t about to have her name ruined, nor was she going to play housewife to a man that didn’t think highly enough of her to marry her.

  Archie seemed to be taken aback that Rourke had not arrived with her, but left her sitting alone in the office for several moments before asking her to return in the morning. She was sure that he would decline to make her a Pinkerton agent when she came back.

  It was worse.

  “As an agent, you’ll be required to marry your partner in name only and since Rourke O’Mara couldn’t join us-I’ve assigned you to another partner, Jack Gaines.”

  Horrified at his words, Fallon looked up to see a tall, dark man enter the room. She could have sworn that the temperature of the room dropped several degrees as he stood near the doorway glowering at her.

  “Fallon Byrne, meet Jack Gaines.”

  “No,” she whispered, her head swiveling back to look at Archie.


  “She said ‘no’ and I’m saying ‘no’,” Jack bit out tightly, making Fallon shiver at the sudden chill down her spine.

  “Is that everyone’s favorite word today? No, no, no?”

  “I told you,” a woman mumbled from the doorway.

  “Marianne, not now,” Archie said and let out his breath, “please.”


  The woman named Marianne turned and left the room as quietly as she’d entered. Fallon sat there looking between the two men, unsure what to say or do. She’d assumed that when Rourke didn’t come with her, that she wouldn’t have to marry another partner. Now, she felt like the ultimate fool. She’d left Rourke and got herself mixed up in quite a mess a thousand miles away from him with a man who looked lethal beyond measure.

  “Have you killed people?” Fallon breathed.

  “Is the sky blue?” Jack snapped.


  “Archie,” Jack began. Fallon saw him look away from her with disgust to the director smiling behind his desk. “Did she really ask me that? This will never work.”

  “You didn’t answer her question.”

  Fallon could see that Jack was visibly struggling to keep his temper from snapping. He was incredibly intimidating and the palpable anger that simmered behind his cold expression made her shrink in her chair.

  “Yes, dollface. I’ve killed itty-bitty bad guys.”

  At Jack’s snide tone, Fallon saw red.

  She’d had enough with people looking over her or thinking she was just a sweet and innocent little woman. Just because she didn’t look the part of a cold-blooded murderer, it wasn’t a reason to discount her. Rourke had done the same, just wanting to tuck her away for safekeeping. She was done with all the assumptions and having people talk down to her.

  “First off,” Fallon snapped, jumping to her feet and pointing at the man, “my name is ‘Fallon’ or ‘Miss Byrne’, not ‘dollface’–and secondly–if we are to work together, you had better treat me a little differently or I might kill my own ‘itty-bitty bad guy’ right here, in this very office!”

  Jack leaned against the wall behind him, crossing his arms over his chest and smirking. He didn’t say a word and Fallon heard a choking sound from behind her, refusing to look at Archie.

  “Threats don’t work on me, dollface.”

  “It’s a promise.”

  “You know where our assignment is yet?”

  “I haven’t accepted you as my partner yet.”

  “Then you need to make a choice and let me know something pretty quick because I don’t have time for this fiasco that Archie thinks is a suitable solution for everyone.”

  “Jack, I’ve told you before that we can annul the marriage.”

  “I’m counting on that fact.”

  Fallon gasped at the rudeness of the man.

  “What? Did you want to stay married to me, dollface?”

  “I don’t even want to marry you!”

  “Then it's settled,” Jack said coolly, “find me another partner, Archie.”

  “Fallon, what do you want to do?”

  Time seemed to tick by slowly as her mind worked. If she had this whole situation correct, they wouldn’t be married in a church. Could she find a way to deal with having a marriage only on paper? The idea of marrying in front of a priest did not sit well and felt like a complete sham, or a lie. She’d always dreamed of marrying Rourke in a church, linking herself to him in the eyes of God. This was to be a temporary contract only, reserved for the job they assigned her to.

  “If I marry him and then have it annulled, do I have to marry again for my next assignment?”

  “That hasn’t happened so far.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “So far, every agent has chosen to remain married to their partner.”

  “Hear that, dollface? I’m not going to be such a bad guy.”

  “I won’t be staying married to him,” she said firmly.

  “Then yes, you must marry again for your next assignment when we select another one for you.”

  “Is it a priest, pastor, minister, or barrister saying the words?”

  “A minister.”

  “No newspaper announcement?”

  “I prefer not to announce who marries who,” Archie said carefully, “unless that is a requirement from you? I believe in keeping your names out of the paper until the job is done and certainly don’t want to share your images with the public.”

  “If I accept the position, I have to deal with him only until the job is completed, right? I can have the marriage annulled quickly, since it’s in name only, and it will be like it never happened?”

  “That is the gist of it.”

  “What’s the assignment?”

  “We are getting a kitty out of a tree,” Jack smirked. She realized that he was baiting her to get her temper up once again. Fallon simply ignored him.

  “The Colorado Central Railroad extended its line to run through Black Hawk south of here. There are a few troublemakers that need to be stopped so that progression can continue. I suspect it’s a few hoodlums that keep putting debris and such on the tracks, but that is why I need you two to check it out.”

  “So, arrest a few thugs pulling pranks and then I’m done with him?” Fallon said, pointing at Jack. She heard his snort of laughter and realized she was close to losing her temper

  “Why send him if it’s just a few ragamuffins making mischief unless Mr. Gaines isn’t as tough as he tries to appear?”

  “Oh, I like her!” Archie exclaimed, laughing boldly now. “Any more questions?”

  “In name only,” she reiterated pointedly.

  “In name only,” Archie confirmed.

  This would be an incredible opportunity to prove to herself that she could be independent and make her own decisions. This wasn’t her ideal situation, nor was it the man she loved, but her path in the road was splitting and it was time to make a choice.

  Could she marry another man and assuage any doubts in her mind while having a great adventure? Or would she return to Chicago and always wonder, resenting the fact that her desires were shoved to the side for the sake of making Rourke’s dreams possible?

  She knew if she went with the second option that it would fester at an idea that had already taken root in her mind. It was now a matter of whether or not Rourke would understand when she eventually returned to him. Deep down, she had to believe that if it was true love between them, they could work it out.

  “Where’s the minister?” Fallon mumbled.

  Rourke read the letter repeatedly, unable to believe that Fallon had taken off against his advice for Denver. He’d known it had hurt her that he wanted to wait to marry, but he also was aware of how dangerous being a Pinkerton could be. He could lose her–and now because of his own fears, he might have already.

  It would be a wasted trip, but maybe she could consider that the adventure she craved and get it out of her system. She loved him and had wanted to marry for quite some time now. He probably should have married her after the cave in, but he didn’t want to destroy her like what had happened with his own parents.

  His mother had been utterly broken after his father’s death. She’d stopped eating and wasted away to nothing. He’d seen the haunted look in her eyes as she looked right through him, scarring him for life. No one could pull her out of her depression.