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Perfectly Matched: Opposites Attract (Match Made In Heaven Book 1) Read online

Page 5

  “I noticed.”

  “It’s a bit much, isn’t it?” Jakob teased knowingly, glancing down at Nikki.

  “A little intimidating,” she admitted with a smile.

  “Kinda like the children’s room for me?”

  “Maybe we both have some growing and learning to do,” she agreed. “But I might have the easier out of the two of us.”

  “Why is that?”

  “Because as a mother, I can understand her point of view.”

  “And you think I couldn’t handle learning about children or handle the package deal, as you put it?” Nikki looked up at him curiously and tried to read him. There was so much to him, so many facets, and just when she thought she had him pinned? There was a twist that surprised her.

  “I’m not sure?”

  “That isn’t a no,” Jakob murmured with a smile and guided her out of the sanctuary towards the children’s room. Nikki went to go sign out Travis from the children’s room. She turned around to see Jakob signing another sheet and talking with one of the church elders. Staring, she watched as he shook his hand and then turned towards her.

  “Everything okay or do you need to take a rain check on our afternoon?”

  “What would make you think that?”

  “Mr. Garrett handles counseling,” Nikki whispered softly. She knew because he’d helped her talk through some rough spots when she’d had doubts and fears.

  “He also teaches class on Wednesday nights.”

  “Oh,” she said absently, embarrassed that she was nosing into his business. She had no right to ask nor did he have to tell her. Frankly, things were starting out on the wrong foot. “Maybe I should be asking for the rain check tonight,” she said softly.

  “Then this guy will miss out on spaghetti and seeing the Christmas lights,” Jakob told her, picking up Travis. “And Travis wouldn’t want to miss those, would you?” Travis’ squeal of joy told her that there was no way he’d let Jakob out of his sight now until he’d gotten what was said.

  “But I have a sitter lined up for tonight?” she mentioned, confused by the turn of events.

  “I never mentioned you’d need one; I knew this was a package before I ever asked you out,” Jakob leaned down and whispered in her ear. “Relax and try to have some fun today, okay?”

  Nikki couldn’t help but blink back tears as she nodded and looked away. Jakob took her hand and carried Travis out of the church like it was nothing. She was shocked by the acceptance and understanding he was showing. Never in her life had she expected this and while she was thrilled with the fact they were going out, all of them together, part of her was disappointed that there would be no alone time to talk, just them. She was intrigued and wanted to get to know him more than ever before.

  Jakob was a perfect host. He treated everyone to hot cocoas as they lined up to have Travis tell Santa what he wanted at the mall. He’d gone as far as to borrow a car seat from his mother’s van. He revealed that she kept them there incase his sister and her family visited. He was very gracious as they stood there in line, making Nikki anxious. Why was he being so, so… perfect?

  She was completely on edge and antsy. The meltdown had to be coming, but she didn’t know if it would be Travis or if Jakob would have a fit about something. Travis was a child and they got sticky, messy or made a mistake. She knew deep down inside that if he snapped, she’d let loose a tirade. She was extremely protective and understood Jakob’s own mother better than he realized. Just then, she looked up and saw ‘Hurricane Marlin’ coming their way. She didn’t even know her first name and had already dubbed her with a title. How had his mother found them?

  “Fancy seeing you both here,” his mother practically preened.

  “Hello again,” Nikki said politely and nearly laughed when she heard Jakob’s aggravated sigh behind her. Travis interrupted them excitedly, announcing that he’d talked to Santa.

  “Mama! Mama! I told him I want a train and a bunny rabbit- and a ball!” he announced excitedly, clapping his hands with joy. Before Nikki could say a word, the Hurricane stepped forward and took Travis’ hand in hers, kneeling down.

  “What do you say you show me what this train should look like?”

  “No, that’s not necessary!” Nikki blurted out and felt immediately guilty at the stricken expression on her son’s tiny face. She hated being cornered and outmaneuvered. Jakob might have underestimated the force that this woman wielded. Category 5 hurricane. Nikki looked at Jakob for help and saw the conspirator’s smile on his face as he shrugged.

  His mother stood up and leaned forward to whisper to her, “Let me have some fun, if it’s okay with you? My grandkids are 800 miles away. I’m Evelyn and your boy, Travis, will be safe with me, I swear it. I recognize that panicked look on your face and I promise no harm will come to him. We’ll meet you here, in this very spot in two hours. Shop, talk, have fun. You take care of my boy and I will take care of yours, agreed?”

  By the iron look in Evelyn’s eyes and pleading in Travis’ face, she knew this battle was lost. The woman looked dead-set at making sure she went shopping with him for just a bit, away from his mother. She was probably going to give him all sorts of candy and soda just to rev him up for the rest of the night.

  “Two hours?”

  “I promise. Now, Travis? You mentioned bunnies? I don’t know if they have any here, but we can certainly look around. You must to promise to hold my hand and never let go- deal?” Evelyn told Travis firmly and Nikki was shocked that he complied immediately. Was it just her that he tested the waters with? Turning on Jakob, she fully intended to demand why he’d not spoken up or said anything contrary – when he simply grabbed her by the shoulders and kissed her again.

  “You’ve got to stop doing that,” she blurted out once he released her, completely befuddled and distracted. “Just because you kiss me to hush me up doesn’t fix the problem. Look, I am not ready to take on your mother in order to date you.”

  “She’s kinda pushy, isn’t she? Headstrong and protective of me?”

  “Yes, all of those things!”

  “Remind you of anyone?” Jakob asked with a smile. Nikki stopped in her tracks and glared at him. Did the man have to be a know-it-all? And a good looking one at that?

  “May I remind you this is our first date and pointing out my flaws is frowned upon?”

  “One person’s flaw is another’s person’s treasure. I particularly like how protective you are of him. You never know, maybe you’ll feel that way about me sometime?”

  “If you stop insulting me.”

  “Fastest way to shut me up is to kiss me again,” he grinned.

  “First date, remember? You’ve already taken far too many things for granted and kissed me more times than I ever expected,” she reminded him, crossing her arms and looking away. She knew she was blushing like a fool.

  “I like that you expected me to kiss you at least once,” he told her softly, “Let’s get some coffee and talk. I already know I’m attracted to you, but I want to get to know the girl behind that beautiful face.”

  “Coffee sounds safe and kiss-less,” she muttered and unwound her arms, trying to let down her hackles slowly. There was something about him that dug right under her skin, in both good and bad ways.

  He led her over to the Starbucks in the middle of the mall and Nikki let out a sigh of relief as she spotted Travis and Evelyn walking into the toy store. It made her feel better knowing she could see him and realized that Jakob was right: she was clingy and protective of her son. She also realized that it apparently didn’t change over the years either as she listened to Jakob talk about his youth and growing up. His mother had always been there, pushing and urging him on to do more. That’s why he became a doctor.

  Nikki told him of her youth and suddenly was telling him about Ryan, Travis, and how her father had kicked her out for her indiscretions. She’d not had word from him for close to four years now.

  “Two different lives, two differen
t people,” she told him sadly. “We are exact opposites, which brings me to my original worry: If I’m ready for this -or if you are.”

  “I’d like to think that our differences complement each other,” he told her, lacing his fingers with hers across the table. “I’m not an immature fool like Ryan was, nor will I hold mistakes against you. I am bound to make mistakes myself in my life. That’s why I attend church, because I know that I’m flawed.”

  “And I attend because I know they are accepting and full of understanding,” she murmured. “Things everyone needs something at one point or another.”

  “Exactly. People need a chance, don’t they?”

  “Like you?”

  “Like me,” he told her, nodding. “I’m pretty ashamed of the way I reacted when Travis rubbed my car with mud. It can be washed off or repainted. You were right, and I was fascinated by the way you stood up to me.”

  “I was really, really upset,” she admitted.

  “I know,” he chuckled. “With good reason because when I got in the car with my mom? Boy, she let me have it. She even poured her coffee on the passenger side floorboard deliberately to prove a point.”

  “She did?” Nikki gaped, just picturing his reaction.

  “Oh yes, and I nearly wrecked my car. I had to get an alignment because I hit that huge pothole leaving the town square. The one over by First and Main Street?” Nikki began to laugh in relief.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “I was so mad that I was waving bye to you, as a good riddance.”

  “I know, I saw you,” Jakob frowned. “The two of you ganging up on me is a tough act.”

  “Chickening out now?” she teased lightheartedly.

  “Not on your life,” he taunted, challenging her. “I plan on sneaking another kiss when I drop you off at home tonight.”

  “We’ll just have to see,” she quipped, and held her coffee cup up in a mock salute. “But first spaghetti and Christmas lights because here come Travis and your mother.”

  They spent the rest of the afternoon talking, laughing and having a good time just the three of them. Travis was trying to eat his macaroni as neatly as possible. They’d opted for the kid’s portion of cheesy pasta instead of the spaghetti that they had. The waitress brought Travis a small ice-cream cone, which to him, made it “the best day ever,” he decreed. After several wet-naps and a bout of wrestling, he was clean-ish and they were ready to head out.

  The sun was deep in the horizon and nightfall was upon them. It was cool, clear and crisp outside, making it possible to see her breath when they walked back to Jakob’s car. She sat down in the passenger seat after buckling Travis and wistfully thought how wonderful the day had been.

  “Penny for your thoughts?” she heard Jakob ask after some time. Travis had been cooing happily and was awestruck by the variety of houses decorated with the colorful lights. This was something she’d not been able to do for him yet. Here they were: warm, safe and happy. Yes, maybe Travis was right- this was the best day ever.

  “It’s nothing,” she told him lightly. “The lights are beautiful.”

  “You are beautiful,” he whispered, taking her hand in his. “And I think he’s almost asleep.” Sure enough, Travis was looking towards the window with his thumb halfway in his mouth and eyes nearly shut. Poor thing was really fighting it off.

  “Why don’t we head back to my house and I’ll put him to bed. He’s worn out and this is the most fun we’ve had in a while,” she told him honestly. “Thank you so much for this – all of this.”

  “It’s my pleasure. Does this mean I’ve passed and you’ll go out with me again?”

  “Dating me isn’t a pass or fail event,” she teased.

  “Is that a yes then?” Jakob hedged as he turned on the road heading towards the town square. Nikki watched his profile as he stared at the road ahead, waiting on an answer from her.

  “Yes, I’ll go out with you again.”

  They pulled up to the house and Nikki was touched by Jakob’s thoughtfulness. He told her to unlock the front door and before she knew it, he had picked up Travis out of the car seat and had him bundled against his shoulder just like an experienced father, resting his hand on Travis’ tiny shoulders.

  “Which way?” Jakob asked softly, carrying him into the house for Nikki.

  Nikki led the way back to Travis’s room and pulled off his socks and shoes while Jakob held him. He was completely fast asleep and barely stirred as she took off his coat. Nodding, Jakob put him down gently in the race car bed as they both backed silently out of the room. It was incredibly heady to have Jakob in her home and his presence made her realize immediately that she was alone with a gorgeous man.

  “I think you should go,” she whispered fearfully, looking away.

  “I’m not Ryan and will never treat you badly,” he told her gently, turning her face up to look at him. “I really like you a lot, Nikki. I would never do anything to jeopardize this. Will you have dinner with me tomorrow night?”

  “I don’t know if I can. I need to find a sitter and it’s short notice,” she hedged.

  “Not needed. I’ll cook and you two can come see Mud.”

  “Or I can cook, and you can bring Mud here,” she amended. “It might be easier because Travis has his toys here and can go to bed when he’s tired.”

  “I’d like that.” Jakob took a step back from Nikki and held out his arm for her to lead the way. He was polite, funny, smart and she’d had an incredible time today. Slow it down, girl! she told herself again and grinned. If it was a sprint for her heart – the heart was running full speed and the brain was being toodled along without a care. Opening the front door pointedly, she smiled and hoped he understood her reluctance. She would never make a mistake like she had with Ryan ever again. She’d pledged herself to living properly and following God’s law. If he was truly a good man, he would do the same and understand.

  “Thank you for a beautiful evening. I think that’s the best day I’ve had in a long time,” Jakob told her, pulling her into his arms. “And I mean to steal that kiss.” His lips touched hers and she melted against him.

  This was different than the soft kisses he’d given to stop her in her tracks. This was a bone melting, earth shaking, passionate kiss that had her catching her breath. He apparently did too. He held her for a few moments, his forehead resting on hers with his eyes closed. He then stepped back away from her, releasing her. She noticed his hands were trembling almost as much as her own and couldn’t help the smile on her face.

  “I can’t wait for tomorrow,” he said simply, his smile matching her own. “Good night and sweet dreams.” She watched him walk to the car and waved as he backed out. Oh yes, she really, really liked Dr. Jakob Marlin.


  The days flew by in rapid progression. Nikki found herself enjoying life immensely. Not only did she have joy in her life-but she was finding love. Travis had been so good with Jakob and bless his heart: Jakob was trying too. It was like the trio was meshing together well, almost too well. She was hung up on waiting for a problem to surface and knew that Jakob could tell she was pulling back from him.

  The last few weeks they’d spent time together every day but Wednesdays. Jakob said he wasn’t available and gave absolutely no explanation, nor did she press him for it. Instead, she’d come to realize that was her evening to get caught up on mundane things like laundry and cleaning.

  Since they’d spent so much time together, she didn’t pursue the position with Mrs. Weatherby. Instead, she began skipping her lunches at work and putting the money that she normally spent on the food truck that came around at lunchtime towards Travis and Jakob’s Christmas gifts. She knew it wasn’t the price of the gift, but the thought behind it. That still didn’t leave her with a good feeling, because she felt like nothing would be enough for him – either of them. This left her a bundle of nerves as Christmas approached.

  They would be having dinner with his family on Saturday night an
d playing a game for the holiday. This would be the first real Christmas party she’d been to in years, and definitely the first as Jakob’s girlfriend. So much had changed in the last few weeks and she always found herself wondering when things would go wrong.

  Nikki sat down on the couch and pulled out her basket of yarn. She was currently working on crocheting matching scarves for Jakob and Travis. It wasn’t much, but it was something they could have, just the two guys. She’d bought a few other things and wrapped them up neatly under the tree. Some Hot Wheels cars for Travis, as well as some car wash gift cards for Jakob as kind of a gag gift and gentle reminder of how they met. She’d wrapped up an ornamental twig of mistletoe that she’d found, knowing he’d like the gift. A few matching dress shirts for her two guys, as well as matching pizza socks since the two of them both adored the same flavor pizza. Pepperoni and olives, or “O’s” as Travis called them.

  She tried to clear her mind, going back to crocheting as fast as possible in order to finish in time for the holiday. Every time she closed her eyes, she saw Jakob’s smile and the way he looked at her. The way his hazel eyes would close halfway when he looked at her. He’d get these drowsy, sexy, bedroom eyes when they were sitting on the couch watching tv alone. She knew exactly what had crossed his mind, because it crossed hers too.

  He was truly a good man and was holding fast to his beliefs. The three of them held hands when they said their prayers before dinner and he’d taken to being with her when she tucked in Travis for bed. One night, Travis told her to leave them to talk about ‘man stuff’. Nikki stood just outside of the door as Travis asked Jakob in a serious manner, if “he liked is momma because he sure smelled her face a lot.” She smothered a laugh at the innocence of his words and description of them kissing. She listened intently for Jakob’s response and knew that she was prying.

  “I adore your mama and yes, she smells pretty awesome, buddy. Now, get some sleep. Goodnight, kiddo,” he told Travis. She heard his footfalls walking towards where she stood in the long hallway. As he walked through the door, she saw his satisfied grin and reached for her.