Remember Joy Read online

Page 7


  “Because I know you don’t want anyone to know where you live.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “You haven’t told me plus you use a P.O. box. I know you value your privacy.”

  “My place is just a little apartment and there is no reason to come over.”

  “Other than to get to know you a little better.”

  “Mike, there isn’t much to it.”

  “But it’s yours, right?”

  “Well, yeah?”

  “Then I’d be happy to see it.”

  “You’re a dork, you know that?”

  “I’m your dork, sweetheart,” he said tenderly before ending the call. Cora smiled at the phone in her hand and felt her heart sing in happiness. Yeah he was, she thought happily and tried to ignore the nagging fear in her. Everything seemed to be going so smoothly and she kept waiting for the problems to creep up between them.

  Finishing up, Cora got ready and quickly headed out to the dinner at the Mexican restaurant that everyone was meeting at. Pulling up, she saw several cars in the parking lot, a lot more than what she’d expected. Walking inside, she realized that the back corner of the restaurant had the tables reserved for them and was corded off from the others. Seeing Mike flag her down, she walked over immediately and walked around the chair that was blocking the way.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Colin and Ava have an announcement, I think,” he whispered, sneaking a quick kiss on her cheek that made her do a double take. “Sorry.”

  “It’s okay,” she breathed, nodding quickly. Taking a seat, she quickly ordered unsweet tea and saw Mike ordered the same but asked for a plate of limes too. She arched an eyebrow in surprise.

  “What? I like a little something tart in my life,” he teased lightly. “You should try it.”

  “Maybe I will.”

  Several more people came to sit down at the tables around them as the waiters brought out several bowls of queso, guacamole, and chips. The gathering group was making introductions and several hugs. Mike jumped to his feet and grinned, embracing another man in a huge bear hug. Cora watched in curiosity until Mike turned and immediately introduced her.

  “Jamie Post, this is my lovely girl. Cora, Jamie is one of my best friends back in Afghanistan. Man, I thought you were going home for the holiday?”

  “A lot has changed and I got an email I couldn’t refuse at the last minute.”

  “What’s that?”

  “My cue,” Colin interrupted, hugging Jamie. It brought tears to Cora’s eyes as Ethan and John came over as well. The group was obviously very close, almost as if they were family. They had each other and were cutting up in a friendly banter that made her envious. Ava seemed to sense what was going through Cora’s head and stepped around the group to talk to her.

  “They really are something, aren’t they?”

  “Apparently the best of friends.”

  “They’ve all been through a lot,” Ava said knowingly, smiling at where Colin stood. “I know what you are thinking right now cause I felt that way too.”


  “You feel like a spectator, an intruder on this moment,” she admitted sagely, smiling at Cora. “Trust me, you aren’t. The moment we became friends, you became part of our extended family. Mike would have my hide if you felt worried or that you needed to leave.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Because he told me to be on my best behavior,” Ava confided, “In fact, his exact words were ‘don’t screw this up for me, guys’. He really likes you.”

  “He’s a bit intense.”

  “They all are in their own way. Mike’s a goofball. He will keep you laughing, according to Colin. Speaking of which, I think he’s signaling me. Gotta go!”

  Mike quickly took his seat on the bench beside Cora and picked up her hand easily. He laced his fingers with hers and set it on the cushion between them. Looking up at Ava and Colin, it was easy to see the love between them. He was incredibly loving towards the tiny woman that stood next to him. Ava barely came up to Colin’s shoulders but neither cared in the slightest at their differences. It was simply a matter of their personalities just fitting together. Ava could do no wrong in Colin’s eyes and it was obvious. Cora sneaked a peek at Mike to see him watching her out of the corner of his eyes. He pursed his lips in a smile and squeezed her hand in a silent response as Ava began to speak.

  “We’ve invited you all here to share with us something special. As you know, we’ve all been through ups and downs over the last several years that have affected us in one way or another. When I met Colin online, I was in a really rough spot and he’s been my guiding light on returning to the person I used to be.”

  “Honey, I think that is the other way around,” Colin interrupted tenderly, wrapping his arms around her waist and looking down at her over her shoulder from where he stood behind her.

  “You all have been so much of our lives that we wanted to share the start of our life together with you. This has been a quick decision that was easily made between us as you are all here for the next few weeks. We want to get married in a few weeks and we want you to join us at the wedding.” Several whoops, clapping hands, and cries of delight filled the air around them before they all settled down for Ava to speak again.

  “Everything seems to be coming together as if designed. The church is free on Saturday, December 10th which gives us a little over a week to throw things together. We’ve gotten our license and my mama is going to make the cakes for us. I don’t have time to get invitations printed and mailed though – which is why I thought this would be ideal to share good food amongst the best of friends and family.”

  “To Colin and Ava,” Ethan said joyously, rising to his feet carefully due to his prosthetic leg. “May you both have plenty of adventure and love for the years to come.” Another chorus of applause sounded, almost deafening as this time Colin indicated he wanted to say something.

  “Post, Coop, Minter – guys, I want you to stand up with me when I make Ava my bride. No tuxes needed, just wear your uniform and we’ll be thrilled.”

  “You got it, Wilkes,” Mike chimed in happily, bringing Cora’s hand up and kissing her knuckles. She was surprised at the display of affection in front of everyone as he glanced at her nervously.


  “You don’t have to say that,” she hedged, feeling guilty about him needing to apologize for it. She saw he looked to be nearly bursting with joy and it was infectious. He was smiling brightly at her reaction and she understood what Ava was saying now. He wanted her to be a part of his world and wanted to make sure she felt welcomed. It was sweet of him to be so very protective of her and made her feel treasured.

  “Lily, Daisy, and Cora? Girls, will you stand up with me? We can get some matching dresses at the mall that should work for bridesmaid’s gowns. All that is left is to get a few bouquets, have the wedding, and celebrate.”

  “Let’s pick out something pretty for little Aurora first and then we can match our gowns to her color,” Cora suggested shyly. Colin and Ava grinned at each other before nodding.

  “I love that idea. Thank you.”

  “All my pretty girls will match,” Colin teased.

  “Marry your girl, leave mine alone,” Mike joked and smiled at Cora.

  “Your safe, Mike,” Cora quipped easily, feeling comfortable in being a part of the group surrounding them. “I’m not interested in him.”

  “Just me?”

  “We’ll have to see about that,” she said blandly and winked at Mike to take the sting out of her words. Everyone began to settle in as the servers brought out plates and plates of food served family style. Cora felt like she belonged for the first time in forever.

  She’d been alone for so long and never realized the comfort in having someone care for you. Mike was spoiling her – quickly. He kept her drink filled and offered some of his limes for her to try. When the platters ca
me around, he asked if she wanted to try it, and then served it up for her. It was humbling at just how nice he was being simply because he wanted to. She kept waiting and watching, looking to see if there was going to be a problem in them being friends. She didn’t even want to consider the label of ‘boyfriend’ just yet. As they ate, she listened to him talking with Post about the change of plans.

  “I thought you were going home for Christmas?”

  “Not after what happened, plus I got a better offer.”


  “Yeah. I couldn’t believe it when Wilkes sent me the email. He’s lucky I saw it in time. I was getting ready to refund my flight and just hang out at the barracks back home and mope.”

  “That sounds like an awful idea,” Mike retorted. “I’m glad you are here.”

  “Truthfully, me too. What are you two up to?”

  “Nothing really,” Mike hedged, looking at Cora uneasily. “I’m trying not to crowd my girl too much. I don’t want to barge in on all her free time.”

  “We haven’t made any plans,” Cora interrupted. “Did you have any suggestions? Are you from the area?”

  “I’m not, but I remembered reading that usually right after Thanksgiving there are holiday shops that open up for the season only. I think you can paint ornaments, decorate cookies, or some other things.”

  “Would you like to join us?” Cora asked politely, feeling sorry for the man. If they were friends, she wanted Mike to feel like she was trying to include his friends in things while they were in town. She hoped he would accept simply so she wasn’t alone with Mike, but a bigger part of her wanted him to decline the offer the moment she’d said it.

  “No,” both men said immediately, looking at each other in horror.

  “Post, I love ya’ like a brother – but you are not going out with Cora and I,” Mike said possessively. Seeing his reaction to someone tagging along shot a thrill straight up her spine. He wanted her to himself – and she liked it!

  “Nor do I want to,” Jamie said immediately. “You two need to do your own thing and I will find something to occupy my time. It’s sweet that she’s nice to your friends, Cooper. Don’t be too nice though, Cora. Spend some time together while you can. Maybe you can put up a Christmas tree together or make some cookies.”

  “I don’t put up a tree,” Cora said quietly, not wanting to explain why either. It was embarrassing to admit she hadn’t bought another one since hers had been stolen by Becca. Mike watched her carefully and nodded quietly. She saw his mind was racing as he was trying to figure out why she didn’t celebrate. He quickly squeezed her hand in a silent acknowledgement.

  “We’ll think of something to do, if she’s free for a bit,” he said evasively and began to eat his meal again, changing subjects with Post as they talked. As everyone was wrapping up dinner, Mike got up and went to speak with the waiter. He slid back into the table and nodded at Post, who grinned in response. It didn’t take long to figure out what the two were up to when Cora suddenly heard Ava’s shocked gasp nearby.

  “Michael Cooper, you sly dog! You didn’t have to do that!”

  “What did you do?” Cora whispered, concerned at the dismay written all over Ava and Colin’s faces.

  “It was Post’s idea.”

  “Don’t blame this on me!”

  “Fine. It was Cora’s idea.”

  “What?” she screeched. “I don’t even know what you did!”

  “We paid the bill as a wedding gift to Ava and Colin,” he said gently, leaning towards her to tell her quietly what was going on.

  “No, we didn’t. You did.”

  “We did.”

  “Mike,” Cora protested quietly. “How much was it?”

  “Don’t worry about it.”

  “I won’t take charity.”

  “…And I don’t give it.”

  “Mike, please. I want to share in the burden. This was a nice meal.”

  “Cora, relax,” he said firmly, kissing her knuckles where her fingers were laced with his. “But if you don’t stop arguing and let us both take credit for it then it loses something in the moment. I might have to kiss you again to end the discussion.”

  “Is that supposed to be a threat?”

  “No, sweetheart – it’s a promise for later,” he said tenderly, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. “Let me spoil you while I’m here… please.”

  “You don’t have to do that.”

  “Maybe I want to,” he admitted, kissing her on the cheek.

  Chapter 8

  Thursday evening had been a mishmash of fabric, laughter, and hugs as they had gone shopping for bridesmaid dresses. Cora had been worried about spending the money but she’d transferred some of her funds from her savings to her checking in order to save face. The computer she was saving for would have to wait a little while longer as the deadline of the upcoming wedding was nearing closer every day.

  Aurora seemed to realize that something special was going on because she was in a particularly good mood and cooing sweetly at everyone nearby at the department store. They found a petal pink dress that was covered in little rosebuds for Aurora, prompting the women to find pink dresses to match.

  As they peered through the racks, they found a selection of several gowns that were similar in color but different in cut. They took turns trying on the garments while another watched the baby. Apparently Ava already had a dress purchased from a local resale shop that would fit. When she said everything was coming together like it was designed – she meant it.

  Cora’s gown was a pink sheath dress with fluttery sleeves instead of the spaghetti straps like Daisy was wearing. Daisy’s gown looked retro, like it was out of the fifties with a full crinoline skirt that fell below her knees. It was so beautiful you barely realized that the legs peeking out were metallic in nature.

  Lily’s dress was a bit longer with pleats on the side that were tethered up at her waist, revealing a bit of leg but not indecently in the slightest. The flowing overdress made it look almost wispy or fanciful in nature.

  The girls all picked out matching combs for their hair and a large pink bow for Aurora’s head. Ava found a pair of knit booties that resembled little ballet slippers for her daughter at the register. Each woman rang up their purchases, chatting amicably until it was Cora’s turn. As she fished for her wallet in her purse, Ava stepped forward and handed the cashier a credit card.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Following instructions,” Ava said simply with a secretive smile on her face.


  “He said to spoil you like a princess while we are out today,” Ava admitted and Cora felt her face flush with embarrassment as the cashier gushed happily about wishing she had a man who would spoil her.

  “Ladies, we are having Ghirardelli’s on Mr. Mike Cooper as well,” Ava crowed happily. “I’m thinking a little hot fudge sundae sounds like just what we need and I know Colin wants a brownie.”

  “I don’t want to spend all of Mike’s money,” Cora said hotly, reaching for the credit card as the cashier tried to hand it back to Ava.

  “Cora, you realize that Mike has nobody in his life – right? Just you. Colin said he’s been putting away his checks for years now because he doesn’t have any reason to use it. He lives on base, doesn’t drive a car, etc. You are the only thing that has made the big goofball truly happy,” Ava advised.

  “Let him spend it because I’m telling you now – if he didn’t want to? He wouldn’t. He’s never even bought himself a gadget to play his game on. He has a ‘pay by the month’ cellphone that he barely uses unless he’s in the States.”

  Cora extended her hand silently towards Ava, who handed her the card with a heavy sigh. She didn’t want to feel like Mike was buying her time with him or that she felt obligated to be nice to the guy cause he bought her things. She wanted to be nice to him because of who he was. Mike was in for a rude surprise if he thought he could buy her affection. This was just wh
at Cora had feared – that someone was going to manipulate or use her for their own reasons.

  “If you want ice cream, it will be my treat,” Cora said simply, smiling. “Besides, a warm caramel sundae with extra whipped cream and cherries sounds perfectly divine right about now.”

  “I’m still getting Colin his brownie,” Ava warned with a smile. Lily nodded towards Daisy before she put her hand on Cora’s shoulder gently. Both of them looked at her with a glimmer of respect in their eyes. They understood or at least approved of what she’d said, making her feel a little better about putting her foot down.

  “No one wants or expects you to let Mike push his way around. Its good of you to look out for the man, just remember – he wants to watch out for you too. You are among friends and each one of us is very protective about the other. We’d never deliberately cause anyone in our group a problem.”

  “Maybe Mike will want a brownie,” Cora hedged slightly, “But I’m still buying – not him.”

  “I’m thinking John wants a few chocolate-covered strawberries and I know Ethan likes those brownies too,” Lily replied, nodding emphatically and linking arms with Cora as they headed out into the mall for their treats.

  Mike surprised her by calling and asking her to pick him up at the Wal-Mart in town. Cora had just gotten off of work and had an incredible headache from squinting so long at the computer screen the night before. She was trying to catch up on lost time and staying up late in order to get the jobs in the queue finished on time.

  “Do you need a ride?” Cora asked, feeling guilty that she was so short with him. “I’m sorry, my head is killing me.”

  “Well, kinda,” Mike hedged, “Plus you still have my card, according to Ava. I didn’t want to bother you Thursday evening when she told me and I figured there was no safer place for it to be right now.”

  “I’m on my way.”

  Cora made a U-turn and headed towards the store. She had forgotten about it being in her purse until Ava said something during lunch. Looking in her wallet- she saw the bank card, not a credit card like she’d originally thought. She was glad he wasn’t charging stuff left and right – rather he was paying for it outright. Parking her car, she called his cell phone. He didn’t answer. Feeling incredibly frustrated, Cora called it again.