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Hopefully Matched Page 9
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Page 9
“Thank you, sir,” she murmured quietly, still surprised at Jeremiah’s announcement. She should be frustrated or upset at being cornered. Especially when the preacher walked away from them and Jeremiah whispered “checkmate”. She should be upset, but she wasn’t. Instead, she found herself simply happy to be making things official with him.
The original idea was to have help at the funeral home, not to find someone absolutely perfect for her that made her laugh or smile. She had not intended to replace Peter in her heart, yet somehow, this ornery man had snuck his way in there, taking down any protests she might have had. He would be good to her and she couldn’t ask for a better companion. Peter would always be her first husband. But Jeremiah? He would become her second and it would be announced in the morning.
Jeremiah arrived at Ava’s doorstep early to escort her to the church on the other side of town. She found that she simply enjoyed the pleasure of his company as they strolled along the street. She was glad to have been able to have given shelter and food to another person. Ultimately, she was relieved that he had turned out to be a good fit for her. Walking, she listened to him tell her tales of his travels across the south, surprised that he had been on his own for so long after the war. That explained why he had arrived with so few things. He simply didn’t have them. His childhood home burned of all his possessions, he roamed adrift in search of a place he could call home. She had never known what it was like to be without, thanks to Peter. Unfortunately, due to the war, she was only too familiar with the pain, loss and desperation it brought.
There had been no word as of yet, nor did Ava expect one. Her other letters had gone unanswered and she was now finding herself moving forward. The idea of changes to come was liberating and thrilling. She would be free of her undertaker duties and gain a husband in the bargain. A husband that made her laugh and curled her toes.
“I’d give anything to know what has you blushing,” he teased, placing his hand upon hers that rested on his forearm.
“My thoughts are mine alone,” she countered with a side glance.
“I plan to give you more things to think about that will make you blush, my dear,” he promised, dropping a kiss on her cheek as they entered the church.
“Behave, you scoundrel!”
“Front bench, you two,” she heard behind her and prayed that the ground would open up and swallow her whole as she recognized the voice. It was Preacher Smith who had caught Jeremiah being forward with her yet again.
With a proud smile, Jeremiah yanked his infantry hat off his head and held it against his chest. “Yes, sir! I remember, lust is a sin! And sinners come to church, so here I am.”
“Good to see you listened, young man.” Ava heard Preacher Smith cough as he held back a smile.
“He is incorrigible,” Ava said in apology and allowed herself to be pulled by Jeremiah into the church, away from the smiling faces that had overheard Jeremiah. He was unapologetically bold and, frankly, she liked it. There was no wondering what he was about. If you asked him, he would tell you. Once he put his mind to something, he wouldn’t let go. His idea of courting had literally been an assault on the senses. He made her upset and then made her laugh. It was like they just clicked together and it made her feel complete again.
As the preacher came in, all the parishioners stood. Melissa Miller’s clear voice began to sing “Amazing Grace” while the rest of them joined in. Ava was entranced by Jeremiah’s deep voice and the fact that he held her hand during the song. It touched her that he fell right into step with her, with the town. Jeremiah fit in like he had been born and raised here. It was humbling that by the merest chance, he had dropped into her life at one of her lowest points.
They took their seats, and Ava listened carefully to the sermon. It was a gift that Preacher Smith had to make each person feel as if he was reaching out to them directly. Today was no different. Except that today, he spoke yet again of forgiveness and duty. The idea of this hit home for Ava. She had dealt with a massive amount of guilt in thinking that she was betraying the memory of her husband recently and only now was accepting of the fact that life would keep moving on without her.
“In this life, we are taught to love our brothers, yet did we not just fight them for the idea of duty? Honor? Forgiveness is a harsh lesson to learn sometimes.” Preacher Smith took a deep, thoughtful breath.
“Over the last few weeks, we have talked about forgiveness and duty. And I feel the need to talk about it yet again because we are always learning. We don’t realize that we are being taught, yet we are always the pupil. For instance, everyone knows of Miss Buchannan and her struggles. She proudly accepted duty without a single word. I saw this forgiveness yesterday and I was proud of you all. Humbled.”
“Other times, forgiveness needs to come from the inside. It’s not seen, yet felt. Duty may feel like the need to suffer, but it isn’t.” Ava felt tears spring to her eyes and swallowed hard. Wasn’t this the discussion she had with Trudy and the preacher a few months back?
“And that forgiveness, that duty, may come forth when you least expect it. Forgiveness can come as easy as a smile. Or painfully so… when the grieving is over and you allow the healing to begin. A word, a secret or a moment that is triggered brings forgiveness. Duty may put a burden on you, but it’s never more than you can cope with. Never more than He knows you can handle.”
Preacher Smith looked out over the crowd, and briefly met Ava’s eyes as she dabbed her handkerchief. “That is when forgiveness happens. When you allow Him to guide you to a new path through faith and trust. This path has been laid forth for two of our members recently.” Jeremiah surged to his feet proudly, pulling Ava up from her seat.
“These two have both decided to undertake a new road together and would like to announce their intention to marry.”
Ava steeled herself, expecting condemnation or at least a gasp or two in shock at the fact that she was remarrying again. But nothing came except a round of applause and congratulations.
“Ava is doing me a great honor. I am not sure what I did to deserve a woman as good as her,” Jeremiah said aloud, looking fondly at her. Disbelief must have been written all over her face as she looked up at him in surprise at his proclamation. His tender, proud gaze watched her carefully.
“I think I am the lucky one,” she admitted softly, bringing a smile to his face.
“I believe we’ll have to disagree on that,” he countered, gathering up both her hands and bringing them to his lips. He kissed each hand lightly and sat her back down on the pew.
“Probably won’t be the only thing we ever disagree on,” she said wryly, bringing a laugh to the parishioners.
“I’m sure of it, my Ava. We’ll compromise each and every time… and do it your way, dear,” he said promptly with a grin, causing more of a ruckus.
“That’s enough, you two,” Preacher Smith announced, interrupting them gently. “Maybe next week’s service will be a discussion on compromise and what it entails.”
“I think I might be ill,” Ava announced nervously and clutched the empty pail, moaning. She didn’t sleep a wink last night and had been pacing all night from anxiety. Today was going to be the day that she became Ava Ellington.
Maybe I should hyphenate my name? Buchannan-Ellington? she thought idly as her stomach heaved in protest again. “Oh my Lord, save me,” she groaned and hung her head in the pail again.
“Blasphemy!” Trudy coached and put a cool rag on the back of her neck.
“You aren’t even at the church yet and you are making yourself ill,” Trudy chided gently.
“I’m about to marry another man. Why wouldn’t I be nervous?”
“Because you love him.”
“I haven’t told him that! Maybe I should have.” Ava’s whimper echoed in the empty steel pail. “Oh my…”
The pail was no longer empty.
Ava felt infinitely better as the offending bucket was whi
sked away. Another cool rag appeared and covered her face where her eyes lay closed. She leaned back on the velvet settee and simply breathed through the wet cloth.
“I think I’m going to be okay,” she breathed, swallowing hard and trying to relax.
“I’m glad.”
At the sound of Jeremiah’s voice, Ava jerked the cool cloth off her face in shock. “You aren’t supposed to see me! What is wrong with you?”
“That is for first marriages,” he chided with a sympathetic smile.
“It is your first marriage!” she scolded.
“It will be my only marriage.”
“You don’t know that!” Ava felt tears welling up at the emotion in his voice. “Now stop that, you’ll make me cry.”
“I’m certain of it,” he said tenderly, as his hand smoothed back her hair from her face. “Trudy has made you look lovelier than ever. I thought nothing would top the day I first laid eyes on you.”
“Do you need spectacles?” Ava wailed. “Look at me! I can’t stop crying and everything you say is so… so… perfect!” She buried her face in her hands. “You aren’t supposed to see me until we get to the altar!”
“I wanted to make sure my pretty girl made it there and didn’t run,” he teased, pulling her hands from her face. “I couldn’t wait another minute to see you.”
“This is a mistake!” Ava shook her head as another bout of nausea flared. “Jeremiah, you shouldn’t be here. And by seeing me before the wedding you are going to curse us!”
She paused for a moment. “Oh merciful Lord, I think I’m going to be sick again…”
“Blasphemy, Ava!” Trudy’s voice called from the kitchen.
“Darling, are you…”
Ava was not okay. She had emptied the contents of her stomach directly on his boots. She began to cry even harder at the mess she made. This was a horrible start to their marriage and their life together! “Go awaaaaay” she moaned, clutching her waist.
“I’m not leaving you,” he chuckled easily. “You aren’t going to run me off, darling. I’m here to stay. Good, bad… or vomit.”
“Go awaaaaay,” she cried desperately, turning her head from him.
“What is wrong with the bride? Is Ava sick?” Preacher Smith’s voice carried in the room.
“Can I just die now?” she whispered to Jeremiah. “Did you bring anyone else here to humiliate me?”
“Darling, I brought them to officiate and witness,” he said gently, patting her hand. “I heard you were sick and I didn’t want to take a chance on you changing your mind.”
“You brought everyone here? When I have been crying and ill?”
“You look beautiful to me.”
“Now if that isn’t love, I don’t know what is!” Melissa’s voice interrupted Ava’s solitude. “She’s obviously not feeling well.”
“Why are you here?” Ava asked bluntly.
“Because Mr. Ashton asked me to stand up for you both. You needed a witness since you aren’t at the church and we were nearby. I told him you didn’t like me.”
“I thought you disliked me?”
“No, I’m infinitely jealous that you are now being married twice and I have yet to –” Melissa bit out harshly and stopped. “Nothing. Never mind. I don’t hate you, Ava. I never have.”
“You know, Ms. Miller,” Gideon Ashton drawled. “You say the word, and I am game.”
“Silence! We are here to marry Ava and Jeremiah. You two are almost as bad as these two are,” the preacher said loudly.
Ava looked at Jeremiah, perched beside her as she lay on the settee. His warm, caring eyes and his smile touched her. “I am so sorry about your boots.”
“The boots are nothing compared to you. I can always clean the boots or get new ones. But you? There is no replacing you, my Ava. Marry me, darling.”
At her nod, he gently helped her stand and excused himself momentarily. Ava took this chance to run a comb through her hair and rinse her mouth. Washing her face, she moved to the back kitchen area for fresh air. It seemed like only yesterday that Jeremiah had sat there for the first time.
“You ready?” Jeremiah called out.
“Yes,” she replied and thanked Trudy as she handed her a large bouquet of flowers. Her simple gown was the same beautiful gown she had worn to the festival. She had loved the design and opted to wear it again simply because the idea of marrying Jeremiah seemed like another reason to celebrate. Ava stepped into the living room and stopped.
Jeremiah stood in his suit beside Preacher Smith with a wide grin on his face. In fact, they were all grinning at her. Ava glanced at each person in disbelief. They had all taken off their shoes and boots. There was a pile of shoes near the front door and Jeremiah’s boots were curiously absent.
“I refuse to marry my lady love in vomit-covered boots. So if you’ll have me barefoot, I am ready to go,” he announced with a smile and held out his hand.
“Just a moment.” Ava nodded and bent down carefully in her tight corset. She removed her beaded slippers and tossed them at the door. The shoes landed with a thud alongside several others. “Now I am ready,” she replied, wiggling her bare toes.
“You look perfect.”
“And you are crazy,” she retorted, still amazed at seeing his socks. She placed her hand in his. “I can’t believe we are getting married barefoot.”
“Life will never be boring with me,” he promised tenderly.
“I see that,” she said with a watery smile. “I love you, you shameless man.”
“Absolutely I am. But I bet I love you more.”
“You are on, sir,” she said confidently. “And remember the pie eating contest? I don’t like to lose.”
“Darling, this is one thing I will happily lose at if it means I can see that smile every day for the rest of my life.”
“Preacher Smith?” she said thickly. “I believe the man intends to marry me. Shall we?”
“Hmmph. Is it my turn now?” the preacher joked. “I thought you were saying your vows already.”
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